There are still a lot of grapes out there in Napa. Just a few scattered tons have been harvested and in fact, most of the chardonnay and other early ripening varietals are still out.
Tomorrow we’re expecting a significant amount of rain. What had been earlier predicted as a slight chance of a shower has now grown to “the first significant rain event” of the season. Santa Cruz mountains and down towards Monterey possibly as much as an inch. Napa Valley may get 1/2 to 3/4 inch. Nerves of steel needed in this business. Few have been ready to harvest and now there’s some risk. Everyone should be okay — especially thicker skinned varieties — but I’m sure we’ll all be holding our breath. Especially important is what happens AFTER the rain. We’ll need some sun and warmth to dry things out.
Are things going to be late? Baconbrook’s and Butterdragon’s harvest dates still haven’t even been penciled in. We usually try to do that 2 weeks out.
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